Fun Ideas for your Save the Dates
We absolutely love when people get creative and original with their wedding! Here is a round-up of our favourite unique save the date cards!
Calendar style save-the-dates, available at sweetinvitationco.
Functional save the dates, like these magnets from 4lovepolkadots will make sure your date is not forgotten.
Photo strip save the dates, either taken in an actual photo booth or just edited to look that way. Photo credit: Brooklyn Bride.
We love everything about these DIY save the dates, but the calendar stickers are an especially great idea! Photo Credit: Something Turquoise
This Library Timeline save the date is so simple and so cute! Photo Credit: Hitched
Scratch Card Save the Dates- how fun is that? Not on the High Street
Whether you choose store bought, or DIY, be creative! This is the first impression of your wedding that your guests will see!